Local Knowledge
The steps of Flinder’s Street station are a favourite meeting place for Melbournians of all ages. When people want to meet they often make an arrangement to meet under the clocks and at any time of the day you will see quite a crowd there.
Anyone who has travelled knows that 'local knowledge' is worth its weight in gold and travellers love to share and exchange ideas about the best things to see and do. Everyone likes to go home thinking they saw an aspect of a place that few tourists manage to see. This is what travel stories are made of.
'Through The Eyes of A Local' will provide a way for Victorian students to take visitors to their favourite parts of Melbourne and share 'local knowledge' about what someone should be doing while they are here. Perhaps more importantly, because these are cyber steps, there will be the opportunity for people from all over the world to meet on these virtual steps to reciprocate and share local knowledge about their private part of the world.
Eventually there will be many projects opening from this virtual meeting places, like the Magic Writing Tram, designed to encourage people to meet on the stairs to join virtual adventures.
It is hoped that each project will lead to a special feature project like the 2004 Anthology that displays exciting work from around Victoria and, from the rest of the world.
This is a global project and will include 'local knowledge' about all sorts of places, but it will be always evident that the project's origins lay in Melbourne, Victoria.